The population of Indonesia since the first census to the latest census numbers continue to grow. The first census conducted in 1930 by the Dutch government. While census ever conducted by the Indonesian government was in 1961, 1971, 1980, 1990 and the last in 2000. Census in Indonesia conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the timing of the census held in Indonesia ten years.

As is known, there are three schools of thought in some period of time to discuss the relationship between population growth and economic growth.
The first is the traditional stream flow pessimistic (1950-1970's) who think that high population growth will hamper economic growth (Malthusian and Neo-Malthusian).
The second stream is the flow of dubious revisionist previous flow statement because it is not accompanied by sufficient empirical evidence.
Meanwhile, the third flow is the flow that assumes that population growth was very significant for economic development (population does matter, and Sindings Birdsall, 2001).
population's growth companies that have significant positive and negative impacts:
1. The positive impact of population growth
Based on the simulation and the analysis performed in the study, it was seen that the growth rate is proportional to the rate of population growth. This means, the population growth in Indonesia has a positive effect on economic growth. Wilson's research is reinforced with the argument put forward by Jones (1995), namely high economic growth in the past due to high population growth.
2. Negative impact of population growth
. According to Thomas Robert Malthus in his Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), said that "population grows geometrically and food items increased by arithmetically ". Thus the more rapid population growth
of the required food production. If this continues there will be left a population boom. Population explosion as a result of rapid population growth as it gives negative effect on socio-economic life of society and this also makes the government is trying to overcome the population explosion.
Impact of Population Explosion, among others:
1. Increasing number of unemployed
2. Lack of food causes hunger and poor nutrition
3. Needs educator, health and housing difficult to obtain
4. Occurrence of pollution and environmental damage
5. Poverty rate has increased
Enterprises should the government do to address the population explosion, among others:
1. Expanding employment through industrialization
2. Implementing family planning program (KB)
3. Increasing food production as needed population
4. Implement transmigration
5. Adding a simple means of education and housing
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