Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

definition of state, country properties, and 2 forms of state

Country or region is an area on the surface of the earth where there is government regulating economic, political, social, cultural, defense and security, and so forth. In a country there are minimal elements like folk country, territory, sovereign governments and the recognition of other countries. 
Indonesia is an archipelago country is a republic which has been recognized by the international community to have hundreds of millions of people, land, sea and air, and there is a broad organization of the central government and local governments in power. 
State is an organization of people of the country to achieve a common goal in a constitution upheld by the citizens. Indonesia has the Constitution of 1945, which became national ideals together. 
Country Properties 
1. Properties peratura force the laws obeyed and thus tercapi policing in society and prevented the onset of anarchy. So the state has forced the properties in the sense of having the power to use physical violence relief. 
2. Nature of Monopoly: The state has a monopoly in setting common goals of society. In this framework, the state can declare that a flow to a particular political belief or reduced flow and distributed live by because it is contrary to the purpose of the community. 
3. Properties include all (all encompassing, all-Embracing). All laws and regulations applicable to everyone without exception 
Form of State: 
The most important form of state and many countries in the world adopted, can be divided into two (2) ie 
1. The Unitary and; 
2. Countries States. 

Unitary state power is to take care of the entire administration is in the hands of the central government or the state government its holding / controlling sovereignty either into or out completely. Unitary state has characteristics that there is only one constitution, one head of state, a cabinet, a parliament. 
Unitary state there are two (2) types: 
1. The State Centralized unitary system. 
2. Decentralized Unitary State system. 
Centralized Unitary System: 
Is a unitary state that all the affairs of government regulated and administered by the central government, while the living area only carry all the wisdom that only the central government. Example: Hitler's Germany in the future. 
Decentralized Unitary State system: 
Is a unitary state that all the affairs of government are not taken care of entirely by the central government, but the government affairs delegated or given to the areas to be domestic affairs of each region. In a decentralized system of local unitary status as an autonomous region. Examples of Indonesia under the provisions of Article 18 UUD 1945 adopts a decentralized. 

United State. 
Is a country consisting of several states with a central government (federal) which hold out sovereignty, while sovereignty persists into the state government. 
In the united states there are two kinds of Government namely: 
Federal Government: The federal government usually deal with matters relating to foreign affairs, finance, defense and state courts. 
The state government: In the united states, each state has allowed the Constitution, the Head of the country, the Parliament and the Cabinet itself. 
Example union countries: U.S., Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Indonesia KRIS period 1949. 
Similarities between decentralized unitary state system with state unions: 
Both governments are equally holds its sovereignty out. 
Regions parts both have autonomous rights.

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