Speaking of education, then discuss the development of human civilization. The development of human education will affect the socio-cultural dynamics of the community. Correspondingly, education will continue to experience growth in accordance with the development of culture. Many opinion leaders who then have an impact on the education of human civilization.

Education is the most important, community improvement can only be done by first meperbaiki pendidikan.yang system became a milestone early developmental emergence Indonesian educated group also said that, given kapada Education indigenous people, will be able to change the fate of the natives,
The founder of the national leaders Ir. Sukarno and Ki Hajar Dewantara, also mentioned that the only thing that can change the fate of a nation is just education.
if you want to build and trying to improve the state of the entire nation, it must be from education, because education is the key to the improvement of civilization. Thus, it is clear that education is something that is very important and essential to mankind. Therefore, it is not just the transfer of knowledge. The purpose of education has actually created a personal attitude and positive personality. Positive attitude and personality, among others:
· Having a competent and proud, which has a Science
· Proud disciplined
· Hold the mental difficulties of life
· Honest and trustworthy (good character and integrity of the well or likes to work in teams)
· Have a mindset that rational and scientific
· Proud to be responsible
· Accustomed to working hard
· Prioritize concern for others
· Giving priority to discussion of the debate (not conflict but consensus)
· Respect for rules
· Respect the rights of others
· Have a good moral and ethical
· Love the work
· Like saving
Indonesian man produce such above situation is a human desire education. All teachers and education personnel in this country must understand that in carrying out any activity that teaching and learning, not just transferring knowledge to learners citizens (citizens learn), but we have to guide them through the motivation and through the exemplary examples boils down to coaching attitudes and ethics / morals learners or learners.
Developed nation is a productive nation, innovative, and intelligent, in addition to having good character and good personality, physically and mentally healthy and get along well with each lain.Anak-child who has been studying hard and seriously not to be confused with child-children are lazy, it is not true, because the state Indonesaia not built with laziness, but to be with hard work.
Obviously, the education goals and objectives above will be achieved through the active participation of all parties involved that parents, educators, students, government, and society, and the existence of sufficient funds for education as well. In Indonesia, the education process has not gone as expected the people, so what is the educational objectives are yet to be realized. The state of the economy has not fully recovered, very large population, Indonesia's vast geographical conditions and not the maximum participation of all components of a reality that can slow down the process of development of national education.
Education plays an important role in national development. Indonesian man who is able to compete in the era of globalization characterized by high competition. Signs that direction already apparent with the achievement of the nation's children at the international level. literacy is intensively conducted either through educational pathways fomal primarily by non-formal education channels, dropout rate reduction through education programs to succeed equality Compulsory (Fair) 9 years and also efforts to provide skills and life skills to the community, efforts to increase interest in reading to remote rural communities, businesses and become a real achievement that has been and will remain our torehkan we do today. Indonesia's recent achievements is the entry level 4 State College (PTN) into a national group of 500 best universities of the world. It is only fitting we as a nation, especially those engaged in the education sector, both formal, non-formal and in-formal, step and mind unite together to help the government improve the national education for the people of Indonesia who produce intelligent, skilled and virtuous character that good for the realization of the objectives of Indonesia Indonesian society fair and prosperous.
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