Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Definition and Examples of Subject, Verb, Object Complement

Definition of Complement
Complement is a word or group of words that completes the meaning of the subject, verb, or object. Thus, there are three kinds of complement, namely: subject, verb, and object complement.

Definition of Subject Complement
Subject complement is a noun, pronoun, adjective, or another construction (noun or adjective acting as) that follow verbs of being or linking verbs and serves to explain or refer the subject of the sentence.
Complement subject is divided into three, namely: predicate adjective (subject connected with the adjective), the predicate noun (subject connected with the noun) and a predicate pronoun (subject connected with the pronoun).

Examples of Subject Complement [SC = bold, italic linking verb =]

Mr. Mamat was a great headmaster.
(Mr. Mamat adalah kepala sekolah yang hebat.)
headmaster (predicate noun)= menerangkan subjek (Mr. Mamat);
agreatmodifier yang menerangkanheadmaster;
a great headmasternoun phrase
That lady is very beautiful.
(Wanita itu sangat cantik.)
beautiful (predicate adjective)= menerangkan subjek (lady);
very = modifier yang menerangkan beautiful;
thatmodifier yang menerangkan lady.
that lady= noun phrase
These are yours.
(Ini milikmu.)
yours (predicate pronoun)= menerangkan subjek (this);
thesedemonstrative pronoun
The noodle tasted delicious.
(Mie tsb terasa lezat.)
delicious (predicate adjective)= menerangkan subjek (noodle);
themodifier yang menerangkan noodle.
the noodle= noun phrase
His dream is to win.
(Impiannya adalah menang.)
to win (infinitive)= menerangkan subjek (dream);
hismodifier yang menerangkan dream;
his dream= noun phrase

verb Complement
Verb complement is the direct object (DO) or indirect object (IO) of an action verb. Such objects can be noun, pronoun, or other construction are acting as noun, such as: gerund, infinitive, and noun clause.

Example Verb Complement [DO = bold; IO = italic]:

Direct Object
Indirect Object
My boss paid me two thousand dollars.
(Bosku membayarku dua ribu 
noun phrase
I love swimming.
(Aku suka berenang.)
She wanted to go.
(Dia ingin pergi.)
He discovered that creating a website is quite easy.
(Dia mendapati bahwa membuat sebuah website cukup mudah.)
noun clause

Overview Subject, Verb, and Object Complement
There are three kinds of complement, namely: subject, verb, and object complement. In previous posts have discussed the definition and explanation of the subject and the verb complement. This section is a continuation, namely:

object Complement
Object complement is a noun, pronoun, adjective or other construction acting as a noun or adjective that serves to describe or refer to the direct object (DO). Only transitive verbs can have an object complement. In addition to explaining the object of the verb, the object can also follow the object of the preposition.

Example Object Complement [bold = DO; italic = OC]:

The naughty boys called Rezky madman to make him angry.
(Anak-anak nakal memanggil Rezky orang gila untuk membuatnya marah.)
Rezky (noun)= direct object of verb;
madman (noun)= object complement dari Rezky;
him (pronoun)= direct object of preposition;
angry (adjective)= object complement menerangkan him
I found the question easy.
(Aku mendapati kalau pertanyaan tsb mudah.)
the question (noun phrase)= direct object of verb;
easy (adjective)= object complement menerangkan the question
He drives me crazy.
(Dia membuatku gila.)
me (pronoun)= direct object of verb;
crazy (adjective)= object complement menerangkan me.

Be careful to distinguish between the direct object (DO) with the object complement (OC) when DO is used with indirect object (IO). OC is used to describe the DO, while IO is used to declare to whom / what the DO. If still confused, too, you can test by substituting "to be" among the objects TSB. If the logical meaning, then the object is an object complement.

Examples of substitution:

My brother paid the woodworker ten dollars.
(Saudaraku membayar tukang kayu sepuluh
ten dollars merupakan DO atau OC?
woodworker “is” ten dollars
Makna tidak logis, maka merupakan DO.
I named my cat Kitty.
(Aku menamakan kucingku Kitty.)
Kitty merupakan DO atau OC?
cat “is” kitty
Makna logis, maka merupakan OC.

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