Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

causal paragraph

In the first paragraph of a causal relationship due to 2, a series of causes can lead to a result. The first result turned into a cause that raises akibatkedua. And so on to be some consequence.

Examples of causal paragraph:
Habit to dispose of waste should be fostered in our daily lives. Because society in general still lack the awareness to love and protect and preserve the natural environment of our own. They assume it is only a slogan that does not need attention.
Without their guilt so that littering our surroundings become dirty and unhealthy. And when the rainy season arrives, consequently flooding the capital. If it happens like that, then people will blame other people for the incident without them knowing that it was a disaster at the hands of their own.

Maintaining Indonesian culture

Indonesian nation is a nation that has a lot of culture . Lately Indonesian culture claimed by other countries . Which is especially Malaysia . There are 10 Indonesian culture which are claimed by Malaysia , namely batik , Pendet , wayang kulit , angklung , reog ponorogo , lumping horse , song Sayange taste , interest raflesia arnoldi , dagger , rending the field .
To maintain Indonesian culture attitude to do is to develop the culture , preserve it in order not to be eaten by increasingly sophisticated era , and to know and understand how to appreciate the cultures that have been maintained by our ancestors to date . Obviously other countries claiming our culture including their culture as well , if we do not pay attention to our own culture . We can only be angry when our culture is claimed to other countries , but we never appreciate our culture .
That's what made ​​me realize why our culture is claimed to other countries . As the younger generation , let us together maintain , conserve and develop our cultures so that our cultures are no longer claimed another country and also our culture can be recognized by the whole world . An example is the batik has awarded a patent that batik is an original culture of Indonesia . Hopefully we can be aware of this more advanced age .

the types of phobia

A phobia is a fear of something , for example a person with a fear of cockroaches , rats , or other . Turns Phobia is not only afraid of things like that, on a web page that I found no phobia against darkness called Achluophobia , and even for washing or bathing phobia called Ablutophobia .
phobia is not just a fear of heights ( hyperphobia ) , fear of the dark , or even frightened by animals such as mice , or cockroaches . But my own baseball too know much about the type - the other type of phobia . And after I did a search , It is true . There Buanyaaak psychological disease type and a wide variety. and certainly for someone who will read his own smile . Suppose there is a phobia sufferers interest , in our hearts definitely sparked " the time anyway there are people who are afraid to flower " , or just a real example , if you are a harry potter movie lovers dong definitely knows his friend is a guy ? Yup . The Ron , Well , imagine it actingnya Seeing that he met with a spider ? Cute for sure . Same spider really cry . Nah . It's called arachnophobia .
Artist most widely known also have a phobia . there is a phobia of rain , there is a phobia crocodile ( if not wrong anyway Olga , who to cry on live events as at the same kerjain komeng ) . Anyway seabrek deh .
Incidentally, I can list a phobia of wiki . Let's see so many types of phobias , including :
Ablutophobia - fear of bathing, washing , or cleaning .
Altophobia - Fear of heights .
Agraphobia - With Fear of sexual abuse .
Aichmophobia - fear with any sharp object ( such as a razor blade , a pin , knife , scissors , machete )
Algophobia - Fear of pain .
Agyrophobia - Fear with every fork in the road .
Androphobia - scared of other people .
Aquaphobia - fear of water . ( What does the patient do not ever bathe ? Like Ablutophobia ? )
Aviophobia - Aviatophobia - afraid to use the aircraft / spacecraft else .
Bibliophobia - afraid of the book (there who knows why not ? )
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns ( well , I also fear buanget little time at this ) : P
Dendrophobia - fear of the tree < - who does not, especially if there are " inhabitants " Wkwkw .
Emetophobia - Fear of vomiting .
Erotophobia - Fear associated with the problem of sex or the denganhal .
Felinophobia - fear of cats ( There is also the artist of this kind of phobia hit ya , let's Who )
Gelotophobia - Fear of being ridiculed ( They must not wag )
Gerascophobia - fear of being old ( like it 's ya girl )
Glossophobia - fear of public speaking < - Stage Fright ya story
Gynophobia - Fear of women . < - If I scared the hell female ghost !
Heliophobia - afraid of sunlight < -1 . This MungkinPenderita fear black skin , or 2 . He was Family Vampires : P
Hemophobia , - Fear of seeing blood spurting from a human or animal body .
lygopobia - fear of darkness . Alone in the dark ya !
iatrophobia - scared of doctors
Lachanophobia - fear with vegetables <
Necrophobia - scared to death !
Panophobia - fear of everything
Phasmophobia - fear of the devil , ghost or something that does not seem tp creeping .
Pyrophobia - fear of fire .
Scopophobia - afraid to look or stare .
Somniphobia - fear of sleep .
Triskaidekaphobia Fear of the number 13 ( which is said / believed to be an unlucky number ) .
Venustraphobia - fear with his beautiful woman

It turned out that I myself have felt at least a phobia , and there is a phobia that is exactly the traits that have been , I do not know what that means : idea :

Individuals , families , and communities

Knowledge gained because there is stimulation in human beings to know something in order to maintain his life . There is a common knowledge and nothing special. Knowledge is said to be true if there is a match between the object of knowledge . Scientific knowledge be due to a deep desire to investigate something we want to know by using a particular method , and that's what came to be called science . Research to investigate scientific truth can be done through inductive and deductive approaches . Science was developed not only for science itself, but also because of the interests in it . Whatever their interests , knowledge should be developed to enhance the dignity and well-being .

Individual as a human individual is essentially formed by three aspects: physical organic , psychic spiritual , and social . In its development into a ' man ' , as termed by Dick Hartoko , the individual is undergoing some form of socialization . Socialization is what helps individuals develop the third aspect .
One form of socialization is parenting in the family , since the family is one of the functions as a medium of transmission of values ​​, norms and symbols adopted by the people to the new members . In society there are various forms of the family in which the process of organizing background has its own goals and objectives . The family institution is not a fixed phenomenon but a phenomenon that is changing , because in the family institution is the case a number of crises . The crisis by some feared would undermine the family institution . But for those in any other crisis , the family institution will still survive .

Society is a group of individuals who hold a joint agreement to jointly manage life . There are various reasons why individuals are entering into an agreement to form a joint life . These reasons include reasons of biological, psychological , and social . Establishment of joint life itself through several stages of interaction , adaptation , organization behavior , and the formation of a group feeling . After passing through these stages , they form what is called society is a society forms include hunters and gatherers , farmers , horticulture , growers , and industry . In the body of society itself contained elements of social partnership , social control , social media , and social measures . Social control in society is done through several ways that essentially aims to control the behavior of citizens in order not to deviate from what has been agreed . Thus even though , does not mean that what has been agreed that never changes . The elements in the body of an ever-changing society in which the scope can be both micro and macro levels.
What was the deal with citizens is a culture , among others, defined as the patterns of life in the community . Culture here is understood as a phenomenon that can be observed that the form of culture is as a social system which consists of a series of patterned actions that aim to meet the needs of life . A series of actions or cultural pattern of the individual through the learning process that consists of the process of internalization , socialization , and enculturation .

Aspects of individual , family , community and culture are social aspects that can not be separated . All four have a very close relationship . There will never be a family , community and culture in the absence of an individual . While on the other hand to develop as a human existence , then individual families and communities in need , which is the medium in which people can express their social aspects . In addition , individuals also need a culture that is a vehicle for individuals to develop and achieve their potential as human beings .
The social environment of individuals who first encountered in his life is the family environment . Within families of individuals develop their personal capacity . In addition , through individual contact with families also various social phenomena in order to develop their capacity as members of the family . Meanwhile , the public is an individual's social environment more broadly. In society , individuals translate the what - what has been learned from his family . Regarding the relationship between the individual and society , there are various opinions about which one is more dominant . The opinions are represented by Spencer , Pareto , Ward , Comte , Durkheim , Summer , and Weber . Individuals can not be said as an individual if he has not cultivated . This means that only individuals who are able to develop their potential as individuals are the ones who can be called . To develop the potential of this humanitarian or media needed to be cultured families and communities 

Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Maintaining Indonesian culture

Indonesian nation is a nation that has a lot of culture . Lately Indonesian culture claimed by other countries . Which is especially Malaysia . There are 10 Indonesian culture which are claimed by Malaysia , namely batik , Pendet , wayang kulit , angklung , reog ponorogo , lumping horse , song Sayange taste , interest raflesia arnoldi , dagger , rending the field .

To maintain Indonesian culture attitude to do is to develop the culture , preserve it in order not to be eaten by increasingly sophisticated era , and to know and understand how to appreciate the cultures that have been maintained by our ancestors to date . Obviously other countries claiming our culture including their culture as well , if we do not pay attention to our own culture . We can only be angry when our culture is claimed to other countries , but we never appreciate our culture .
That's what made ​​me realize why our culture is claimed to other countries . As the younger generation , let us together maintain , conserve and develop our cultures so that our cultures are no longer claimed another country and also our culture can be recognized by the whole world . An example is the batik has awarded a patent that batik is an original culture of Indonesia . Hopefully we can be aware of this more advanced age .


Naturalism is a form of works of art ( visual arts ) in which artists attempt to portray everything in accordance with the nature or the real world , that means adapted to catch our eyes . In order for the paintings made right - really similar or exactly the real , the composition , contrast, perspective , texture , dark and light coloring done as expeditiously as possible , as soon as soon as possible . in art is an attempt to show realistic objects with emphasis on natural settings . It is a further deepening of the movement realismepada 19th century as a reaction to the establishment of romanticism .
One of the artists naturalism in America is William Bliss Baker , whose landscape paintings are considered realisterbaik paintings from this movement . One important part of the naturalist movement Darwinism is a view about life and human damage that has been inflicted on nature .
Register Painter Naturalism :
  • Soeboer Doellah
  • William Bliss Baker
  • Raden Saleh
  • Hokusai
  • Affandi
  • Fresco Mural
  • Basuki Abdullah
  • William Hogart
  • Frans Results

Realism in art means the subject in an effort to show the work as it appears in everyday life without extra frills or a particular interpretation . Its meaning can also be referred to in the art venture unruk show the truth , even without hiding a bad thing though . Discussion of realism in art can also refer to a cultural movement that began in France in the mid-19th century . But the work with the idea of ​​realism is already there at 2400 BC were found in the city of Lothal , which is now known as India .
Realism became famous as a cultural movement in France as a reaction against Romanticism understanding that has been established in the mid-19th century . This movement is usually closely linked to the struggle for social , political reform , and democracy .
Realism then dominate the world of fine art and literature diPerancis , Britain , and the United States around the year 1840 to 1880 . Adherents of literary realism of France Honoré de Balzac include the name and Stendhal . While realist artist Gustave Courbet is the famous Jean François Millet and .
Realist artists always try to show the daily life of the characters , the atmosphere , dilemmas , and objects , to achieve tujuanVerisimilitude ( very lively ) . Realist artists tend to ignore the theatrical dramas , subjects that appear in the space that is too broad , and other classical forms which had already been popular at that time .
In a broader sense , realism effort will always occur whenever the artist trying to observe and imitate natural forms in accurately . For example , in the photo zamanrenaisans painter , Giotto can be categorized as a realist artist with the work , because his work has been to better mimic the physical appearance and volume of objects better than it has been cultivated since the days of the Gothic .
Honesty in showing every detail of the object seen also from the works RembrandtBarbizon School focused observations closer to nature , yag then paved the way for the development of impressionism . In the UK , kelompokPre - Raphaelite Brotherhood rejected the idealism followers Raphaelyang then leads to a more intense approach to realism . which is known as one of the best realist artists . Later in the 19th century , a French group known as the

Trompe l' oeil technique , is a technique that is extreme art show artists attempt to bring the concept of realism .

Town and village life

Often heard in the media, or when we SD in Citizenship lessons , that we are in a need to disseminate the existing community environment . But our own sometimes do not understand what it is actually public . Society is a group of people or individuals who have a good relationship as a whole and the area coverage . From the definition above we can into two , namely the narrow sense of the community that the community group of individuals who are in a certain region and in a broad sense that the public collection of individuals who have a relationship without regard to region and tertori .
Of course, both in the narrow sense and the broad sense Society has certain requirements including :
  •  Society should be a collection of individuals or groups
  •  Individuals in society should be interconnected
  • Cities and Villages
Now when we look in the narrow sense that it is due to people in a region means in the lives of people who feel that society is divided into 2 City and Rural Community . Now the question what the difference of these two communities , whether urban villagers use the car while using a wagon or in terms of the appearance of the city where people use multiple layers of clothes while the villagers just one layer only.
It turns out that rural and urban life are not seen from the means of transportation or zoom , but the very life of the culture we realize. In the post " STANDING IN THE SAME ROOM DIFFERENT " I never review a little difference in the lives of urban and rural culture .
City life has a very berkultur society does not care about the environment . Individuals
urban communities
in urban communities will do if there is a socialization thing takes such care of ID card or other important papers so of course we would rarely see public places crowded by people such as the example in mosques or mosque . If we look at the existing mosque or mosque in the city that there are certain people and stakeholders such as MGD or more administrators mosque while the people are busy with their own affairs and sometimes even religious affairs is no longer a priority .
Moreover, because the mobility of the urban environment be high then socialization rather neglected so sometimes we meet people who do not care about the environment even with their own neighbors who live next to them . Although people are less sociable city , but they are very respectful of differences and privacy . Urban communities also typically resolve problems with the approach without the need to bring the past .
In contrast to urban life , rural communities have a culture very concerned with the surrounding environment . Rural communities are very active socializing with the environment so that if there is a problem in the environment with fast whole community will know about it , it is also sometimes applies to a person's public issue . Public places such as mosques crowded with inhabitants , mosque or community center . Rural community is very tightly holding religious norms so that if there is something that is not something the community norm will aggressively deal , a case is pregnant outside of marriage . In the case of rural communities usually will throw him out of the residence .
People are very concerned about what's more neighboring communities , neighboring villagers consider a close relative , so when requesting help the neighbors that first helped , of course this can not we meet in the city . But unfortunately people in the life of a lack of respect for the privacy of the village because of their personal affairs are public affairs and also in solving a problem is sometimes the villagers acted very aggressively even with violence , such as burning houses .
Judging from both the public life of both urban and rural life , both have advantages and disadvantages. But in this society there are two facts that really distinguish between urban and rural life
  • The position of Chairman of RT , RW , and Ward is very high and respected in the village community . Villagers regard them as exemplary community leaders and emulate. While the city life Chairman of RT , RW and Ward is a structural position that has no value to society , even regarded as a lackey to make certain letters .
  • Villagers are very difficult to accept the social changes in contrast to the urban community , but when the villagers accept social change tersebuat then they will accept it in total without filtering good or bad .
  • Villagers usually save or accumulate their wealth in the form of urban agricultural land while entrusting his wealth on saving BANK Deposit or other form .
  • Education is a top priority for the people of the town while the villagers pedidikan sometimes less is a priority as long as they can work and make money .
  • City community will get married when they are already sufficiently well established to support the family in the future , while the villagers when they grow then they will get married even though they have not been well established .
  • Villagers still believe that many children will bring sustenance , in contrast to the city People who delay having children , if not want it .
  • Villagers are very concerned with the problems of urban society , while its neighbor so it does not matter because for them is a matter of personal privacy rights of their
That may be some facts that show the difference between village life and city life , probably many more other facts that can not be explained . To be sure of the facts that we can know where the habit of being a good culture and habits which are becoming a bad culture .

Surely we are today as sound generation , we must take a good culture of village life and city and combine them so that it will form a culture of life that is comfortable and safe and conducive to our lives .

Elementary school children ancient game vs. now

Let us look back to the past memory is roughly about 96 years late , when I was new to SD . Despite long but the memory remains stored , period - childhood sweet enough to be remembered . Triiing triing ... any recess bell rang , the children in the elementary school classroom cheered recess / out play . When outside the classroom are so many activities that the students' students , ranging from play , shop , get together with my friends .

During elementary school recess when we play with more friends . What are the game ? ? I remember Main marbles , hide and seek , cards , gebok play ball , baseball , and if the girl maen rubber . The games were pretty even if only very suitable as the game was my son 's age at that time . Then after school we also played with friends near the house where the game is not much different from that school also ama .

well now we try to step again cruelty is now 2012. I certainly have not played it again . But let's compare the old elementary school game vs. now ! As we see and feel real now , 2 games old child that may have disappeared with age , especially those who live in urban . With the development of information and communication technology causes many effects for children of primary school age who may no longer play the game according to their nature as elementary school children .

Now we take the example of the most common, namely the Online Game played in the cafe . This game has been a general level and is not a children's game just like marbles , rounders , hide and seek . If we go kewarnet that provide browsing and online gaming , it is very much visible children of primary school age teman2nya cool to play games together . Unfortunately again kewarnet before they go back home , so when the school has a direct rushed to finish online games . In the cafe was only chide them , mencarut , even playing up to destroy the computer facilities at the cafe .

painting Morning

Yes , this song is one of the songs on the first album , entitled cultivation " cultivation " . Guitar album first entered the Major labels , and probably good enough if not less competitive with similar albums coming from abroad. Especially for this song , a creation of his own cultivation .. and sung by jazz singer " Shakilla " . His lyrics too simple .... describe the atmosphere of the morning when the sun began to rise , which is filled with moments of coolness and tranquility atmosphere .

The song lasted approximately five minutes , opened with nylon guitar intro played repeatedly arpegio .. simple but can bring the atmosphere of the song as a whole . In this song also aided by musicians such as the keyboard and Kosin Aminoto Uce Haryanto on drums . For the bass section , fixed filled by Indro Haryodikromo .. which is a duet partner with Guitar - Bass cultivation in his previous band " Halmahera "
Vocal Shakilla was also noticeably match the timbre Jazz still feels at the end of the song . In this song , not too much cultivation plays his guitar solo in the interlude ... just any song he plays his song with the chorus melody capture the full ... no exception at the end ( coda ) .. to fade away ... only then he improvise the screeching vocals interspersed Shakila ...

For a video clip of his ... I think is quite simple and quite representative of the whole song ... setting the scene and making Shakilla separate cultivation and there are several scenes where the cultivation of his plays guitar sitting on the right of the screen and a Balinese dancer is dancing on the side left of the screen . Not to forget also to add to the impression of the song ... inserted some clip Indonesian landscape beautiful atmosphere ... complete with a harvest atmosphere .
Overall, this song is pretty good ... and really describe the atmosphere of the morning painting the truth ...
" See the one color , the morning light ... into painting .. lace open so that the light had been illuminated his peaceful life meaning ... "

Make Replies of 4 Letters

Reply Inquiry Letter

Johnson Allwoods & Sons
25 Bridgestone Street New York
NY 239001, USA
9 January, 2013

PT Multi Strada ,tbk
JL. Jenderal Sudirman No. 15
Surabaya 22, Indonesia

Dear Ms. Rina,
Thank you for your letter of  7 Juni, 2013 requesting about our Belly men’s belt.
We would pleased to enclose our catalog together with price, terms and sample products, for your review and are confident that this catalog will provide many of the answer you have required.

We offer you 10% trade discount for long term contract.

We hope you will find our prices and terms are satisfactory and look forward to having you as our potential customer.

If there is additional information you would like to know regarding our products, please do not hesitate to email us at

William S Basten

Customer Relations

Reply Order Letter

JL. Diponegoro No. 12

25 William Street
Perth, Western Australia

Dear Sirs,
In compliance with your order dated  31 th  December 2010 we have pleasure in foming you that we have sent the  gold  earings  on a Christmas  catalogue  by Bastian Schweinsteiger Transport  agency  and  the  payment should  be done  through  the  Commonwealth  Bank.

                                                                                                                               your Faithfully,

                                                                                                             JUANTADI ANGGA S

Reply Complaint Letter

PT.Real Madrid
Jl.Radar Auri no.13

Dear Sirs,

 You've ordered 12 packs consist of 12 new outfits modeled on Trusmi Batik Boutique you that you order by phone on September 11. you received the order on September 14. When you accept all packets Batik, there is a missing package.
We admit that an error in the calculation of clothes that we send to you.
To overcome the problem, we will send you a pack of Batik Trusmi modeled as you book in advance.

Yours sincerely,

(Trusmi batik)

Reply Application Letter

Dear Mr. SoAnd So,

We regret to inform you
that the position
is no longer available.

You were our Favorite candidate
even though you did not have
the type of experience we were looking for.

You seemed to possess a kind of
confidence in the subject matter
just by being yourself.

You seemed to be a perfect candidate
until we found out that you applied
at our enemy company.

The position is going to be given
to someone who walks in here
with the inevitable smile on his bright face,
a witty retort escaping his cheek,
with good credit, and an honest, open heart,
a sympathetic ear, and an apology every time
he becomes human and I call him out on it.
He will never make me feel like there's
someone better. And I will not live in a fairytale.
He will simply be in the future.
But he is not you.

Because I am not a job.
I am a vacation.

We wish you luck with your future endeavours.
And hope that our criticism has been most constructive.
We know that it will be. (And, that, is not a good thing.)

